Great Start of 2015-2016 School Year

Dear All,

We had a great 1st day of school. Thank you all!

By now, we hope students have had a 1st impression on how this Sunday school is going to experience and the expectations. Families have clear information on ways to communicate and interact with your teachers and the school (also have the CSA school contact information sheet).

While we expect changes of classes , programs among students, and room teachers (based on sign ups) in the coming week, we will finalize size of each class/program before the 3rd school day.

In the meantime, we strongly encourage students and parents please feel free to contact your teachers and the school staffs should you have concern on if a class is a right fit or not.

Together, we shall create a learning environment that everyone is actively engaged with fun and enthusiastic.

Please email or call us for any questions. See you next Sunday at 1:30pm.


P.S., please remember to sign up CSA yahoo group at if you have not done so - we use the group as one way to communicate on school news, events, and matters. Thank you!